Relationship Reflection

          As we build positive relationships with others, we become happier and more fulfilled and feel more supported, supportive, and connected. Positive and supportive relationships will help us to feel healthier, and more satisfied with our lives.

       The relationships and partnerships that we build throughout our lives are the things that help shape who we become as well as help us to navigate our world.   As we build positive relationships with others, we become happier and more fulfilled and feel more supported, supportive, and connected. Positive and supportive relationships will help us to feel healthier, and more satisfied with our lives.  Some of these experiences have made us better, while others have left us wondering how or why did things go wrong.

              The relationships that I treasure the most are the ones I have with my immediate family.  My husband John of 30 years, and our amazing daughter, son, and grandson. These are very precious partnerships that add meaning to my life.  John is not only my husband, he is also my best friend.  My husband and children’s love and support have remained constants in my life; In other words, they are the calm to my storm, providing support socially/emotionally, physically, always encouraging me to pursue my passion of returning to school to earn my advanced degree in an early childhood.

                  As an early childhood educator, I also understand and appreciate the importance of creating partnerships with the other educators and families to collaborate to give children and families the emotional and concrete supports they want and need to reach better outcomes. Cultivating positive relationships is essential in building strong healthy partnerships that allow parents to feel supported and willing to become active participants in their children social/emotional and academic development.  Additionally, families can be a great resource for learning about the needs not only of the students but also the families.  In other words, when we make the time to collaborate with them, we increase the chances for success both social/emotionally and academically.
Additionally, cultivating partnerships with schools and communities also help in fostering positive outcomes for the children and families we work with.  When we create bonds with the people and institutions, this helps to build caring, inclusive, participatory communities for our students which are of vital importance. When a school meets students’ basic psychological needs, students become increasingly committed to the school’s norms, values, and goals. Enlisting students and families in maintaining that sense of community, the school provides opportunities for students to learn skills and develop habits that will benefit them throughout their lives.


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