Early Childhood Motivators

dr-samuel-j-meisels  Dr. Samuel J. Mieseils, ED.D.
Founding Executive Director Buffett Institute
We’ve got to think in terms of families rather than parents because a lot of children are raised by other family members. We have to think about the family with the child all the time. There’s no such thing as an isolated child because as humans cannot survive alone. That’s not just our physical needs but our emotional needs, our intellectual needs. We need to be supported, scaffolded all the way, for a long time.


Dr. Susan Bredekamp


” Developmentally appropriate practices are ways of teaching that vary for or adapt to the age and experience of the individual learner. So fundamentally the definition has not changed. Instead, it has been expanded to include the fact that not only do you have to consider children as individuals, but you also have to consider children as members of groups with their own cultural identities.” (Brendekamp, 1998)



Louise Derman-Sparks 

“Teaching makes me feel whole, creative and that is why it has become my life long

work”   Multimedia Program: “Interconnections, Part 2”



Sandy Escobedo

LA Preschool Advocacy Initiative

“ Early Childhood Educators have the unique opportunity to help shape children lives for the better.”   Multimedia Program: “Interconnections, Part 2”









6 thoughts on “Early Childhood Motivators

  1. Hi Doris,

    I just got through reading the information in your blog and I must say that the individuals you chose had inspiring quotes. I really enjoyed looked at all of the different pictures that you posted of your family, community and the little boy’s picture. I have been trying for the longest to post pictures on my blog but have not figured out how to do it yet. I really admire your passion for the work that you do and wishing you success on your journey here at Walden University.


    1. Thank you for your words of encouragement it really helps especially because I often feel so overwhelmed with all the online post, blog, etc. The little boy is my grandson, or should I say my heart. I’m still trying to figure out the whole blog thing myself. The site I use is very user-friendly with inserting pictures, however, I’m still struggling with getting the captions.


  2. Hello, I really liked the first two quotes. It yet again shows us that the child’s success is not all on just the child self, but on his/her family or the people they are surrounded by as well! Families and a a child’s “at home” life plays a pretty big role too♡


  3. Doris, each of your quotes are inspirational and motivational to me because they speak to my heart as an early childhood educator. I especially like the quote you mentioned ” We’ve got to think in terms of families rather than parents because a lot of children are raised by other family members” by Dr. Samuel J. Mieseils, ED.D. Depending on where you teach this fact could easily be forgotten. When I was a headstart teacher years ago, many of my children had multiple family members stepping up and being a parent due to family circumstances.


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